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Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ Compensation Basics

Rhode Island Workers’ Compensation is a highly specialized area in the law.  Whether you are in injured employee or an employer facing a claim, you will want an attorney familiar with the law and procedures applicable to your case.

The Basic Process

Once a petition in filed on behalf of an injured employee, the Court will schedule what is know as a Pre-Trial Conference for the purpose of a Judge to hear both the allegations and defeneses for each claim.

The Attorneys involved have a general duty to narrow the issues before the Court and present evidences, witnesses and argument for their client.

Generally, a Judge will enter a Pretrial Order in which the claim is either granted or denied.  The aggrieved party then has five days to file a Claim For Trial.

Basic Workers’ Compensation Benefits

The Court will generally award weekly indemnity benefits, payment of medical benefits, and may award specific compensation such as scarring or loss of use awards.

Sullivan Law Offices has represented both injured employees and employers through their insurance carriers.  We understand the complexities of workers’ compensation claims and associated litigation from both points of view.

Our goal is to represent our clients in the most cost effecient manner and obtain the most effective results in a timely manner.

We invite you to contact our office with any questions you may have.